日本語の学習 | JapanClass

Think learning Japanese is difficult?
Wish to go Japan but are intimidated by the language barrier?

You are wrong! Learning Japanese is easy and fun. Here, let me share my experiences of learning Japanese with you, and you can pick up a few pointers on the Japanese language to get you excited and inspired to continue learning.

I will continue to update this blog with more lessons, so remember to check back often for updates in the list of lessons below!

@ Revision for JLPT
Level N5 : Grammar View it here New!
Level N5 : Vocabulary Coming soon
Level N4 : Grammar Coming soon
Level N4 : Vocabulary Coming soon
Level N3 : Grammar Coming soon
Level N3 : Vocabulary Coming soon
Introduction to the Japanese Language
Chapter 1 : Origins of the Japanese Language Coming soon
Chapter 2 : Syllabary chart View it here
Chapter 3 : Basic Japanese greetings View it here
Basics of Japanese Grammar
Chapter 4 : Copula, particles and markers View it here
Chapter 5 : Type I, Type II and Type III verbs View it here
Chapter 6 : Why the need to change forms? View it here
Chapter 7 : Changing verbs to ない-form View it here
Chapter 8 : Changing verbs to る-form View it here
Chapter 9 : Changing verbs to て-form and た-form View it here
Chapter 10 : Changing verbs to potential form View it here
Chapter 11 : Changing verbs to volitional form View it here
Chapter 12 : イ-Adjectives and ナ-Adjectives View it here
Chapter 13 : Interrogative phrases Coming soon
Please leave any comments, questions or suggestions for improvement that you have on this page. I will reply as soon as I can. Thank you for your support in this blog. View it here